7 rules of a successful interview for a young lawyer

We all know how difficult it is for young professionals to get a job at a good company where they are appreciated and allowed to develop.

Of course, we all have our strengths and weaknesses, but I strongly believe that every young lawyer will have even more amazing success if he or she considers the following recommendations:

  • Show up on time. Not earlier, not later, but on time. He who appreciates the time of others will certainly be appreciated himself.
  • It is better not to exaggerate. It is not necessary, for example, to emphasize the knowledge of the criminal procedure law, if there is a feeling of insufficient mastery of the material. It is better to pay attention to the ability to learn quickly and work purposefully on the results.
  • Evidence should be proper… And experience is practical. Do not hope that the employer will appreciate the credentials of the school law Olympiad. Undoubtedly, the very fact of such documents is positive, but it is better to pay attention to practical experience. Let it be minimal, let it be practice at the university, but the slightest practical skill will please the potential employer more.
  • Brevity is a plus. Perfectly works the principle of “presentation in the elevator” – try to provide the most necessary information about yourself in 5 minutes. Of course, it’s not easy, but practice is the key to victory.
  • Lack of resources is not an argument. During the rapid development of the Internet, to talk about the impossibility of studying professional literature due to its cost is a mauvais ton. As practice shows, there are now many alternatives for almost free study. The main thing is the desire.
  • To think like an employer. Before the interview you should put yourself in the place of the employer, understand his needs. Of course, we are talking about reasonable things. If the employer wants too much, but offers the minimum or can not clearly state the future career prospects – this is also a small signal to the applicant himself.
  • Monitoring the employer’s performance beforehand is a distinct plus. The prospective employer will be pleasantly surprised if the applicant demonstrates knowledge of the scope of practice and company philosophy.